Saturday, April 19, 2008

Gathering professions then?

Well, admantite is going on most servers for somewhere between 20-30g /stack. How long does it take you to get a stack against some decent competition (i.e. your not alone on the server)? The difference in gold/hour between “convenience gathering” and grind gathering is probably favoring the casual depending on what he does in between.


Crafting costs money. Now, if you have leveled to max to get that cool gem/armor/weapon/ring enchant you might as well make some money out of it.

More often than not it’s a better deal to sell the materials and just craft stuff for a tip with their mats. Just like enchanters sell their stuff at ah end then wail and shout about their wares on trade channels all over the wow-universe.

AH - Lots of Gold at the Auction House

Some people likes to play the AH, buying cheap stuff they find and then sell the same stuff at a higher price. The thing you have to remember is that the AH takes a cut if you sell and you will loose your deposit if you don’t sell.

The other thing to do is to keep inflation in mind. Blizzard increased the gold drops (from eq, vendor trash and drops) in the expansion and will probably do so in the next one. One of the reasons may be to “restart” the economy and another might be to make some trouble for the gold-sellers. This makes all your hard earned pre-expansion cash worthless.

Now, you can come out on top of this if you know how the “market” will react. This is what I did before the expansion hit:

  1. I transferred all my money to my bank alt and used him to buy as much stuff as possible.
  2. I bought all the cheapest, decent blue leveling gear I could find.
  3. I stocked up on thorium and some gems.

Now, an item that cost 10g pre-bc can be sold for anything between 30-50g post-bc. That’s inflation; you have to pay a lot more for the same items. By transferring all your funds into items you come out on top.

It might take you a few months to unload all of the items since people will start to level their mains and then level any 60’s alt. Then they will have their purses full and feeling the urge to level a new ms-warrior/frost-mage and you can provide the gear.

World of Warctraft Gold Making Blog

Moneymaking can be fun or just plain booring. You can hate “grinding cash” or love the relaxing repetitiveness of doing the daily quests. You can use cash to do lots of fun stuff; equip your alts, crafting